Immediate Aftercare
Curing Time
Do not walk on your new Vuba Stone surface for 24-48 hours, and do not drive on it for 48-72 hours after installation. These times are temperature dependent, and we recommend you always follow the installer’s advice for exact timings.
Ensure pesky people or animals cannot walk on the Vuba Stone surface. Footprints cannot be removed! Devices can be used to deter animals, and we would recommend to place tape or barriers around the perimeter.
No leaks/drips
Ensure there are no leaks or drips on the curing Vuba Stone. Excess moisture will significantly weaken and discolor Vuba Stone surfaces during the curing period. Continuous drips or leaks cause erosion in the long term, and will degrade the surface.
5 Most Important Points to Remember
Static wheel/small turning circles
Pressure exerted from static turning can dislodge surface aggregates. Once the matrix has broken, the surface will weaken and break away. It is very important that vehicle wheels are not turned when sitting still or slow moving, and small turning circles should be avoided.
Impact Damage/High Point Loads
Take care not to drop heavy equipment on the driveway, such as the placement of disposal bins. Also be aware – disposal bins can often leach rust on to your driveway which you may not be able to clean. Car jacks can depress the surface of Resin Stone and should be placed on a wooden board for load distribution.
Chemicals and staining
Petrol, solvents, etc. should not come into contact with Vuba Stone surfacing ideally. In the event of spillages, dilute and clean immediately. Solvents and some chemicals will degrade the resin binder, resulting in stone loosening over a period of time.
Like all paving surfaces, Vuba Stone will discolor if covered long term with a close contact object. Discoloration occurs from leaching and lack of exposure to air and sunlight. Examples would be a flat bottom plant pot or a storage box. Avoid discoloration by using raised plant pots not using items like storage boxes on the surface.
Rejuvenating Your Surface
A great way to extend the life of your Vuba Stone surface is by sealing the surface with a diluted polyurethane UV resin sealer after a deep clean. Contact your Vuba Stone Dealer for more information.